CES Survey

Guide to Increase Conversion on Your Company's Site

When you want to grow your business and boost the bottom line, you need to increase conversions on your website. It doesn't matter what products you sell or the services you provide. Improving your site's conversion rate means more customer engagement and support, and it's your ticket to growth.

Not sure where to start? Follow these tips.

Collect Data

One of the best ways to develop a plan for improving conversion rates is to get more insight. In the past, companies had no choice but to go with gut instinct or get lost in a never-ending process of trial and error. But we live in the age of big data!

Now, you can collect a wealth of information about site visitors to learn precisely what's stopping them from converting. You have many ways to collect data. You can use analytics tools or hear from visitors directly with a CES survey. Either way, knowing more about the customer experience makes a difference.

Fine-Tune Your Conversion Funnel

Customers go through a complex journey until they decide to buy a product, sign up for a service, etc. To increase conversions, you must have multiple touchpoints throughout that journey to keep people engaged and convince them to take action. That's the conversion funnel.

Use the data you collected to see what pain points people experience. You can turn to CES survey data to identify friction and address it directly. See what's stopping visitors from converting and fine-tune your conversion funnel for maximum results.

Improve the Overall Site Experience

The conversion funnel is complex and can include touchpoints on and off your site. But that doesn't mean you can neglect your site's design. Always prioritize the user experience. If your site isn't a joy to use, people aren't going to want to convert.

Consider improving site navigation. You can also improve accessibility by making a fully optimized site for mobile devices. Then, work on improving site performance. A site with fast-loading pages can significantly improve the browsing experience, encouraging visitors to stick around and learn more.

Read a similar article about mobile app surveys here at this page.